Eesha Lkhwani






Jade (Prosperity – Good Luck -Wisdom) bracelet is a symbol of purity and serenity. It can help you to attain your goals and dreams, instilling resourcefulness and allowing you to see past your self-imposed limitations to manifest your ideas into reality.

Healing properties
Balance emotions and ease stress.
Helps bring down fever and inflammation.
Brings good luck and wealth.
Also known as gamblers stone.
Attract good luck and friendship
Promotes self-sufficiency
Strengthens the immune system and good for lungs related diseases.

How to wear
You can wear it on any hand .Preferably on the working hand.
You may remove it while bathing, sleeping etc.
For regaining its energy cleanse at least once in a month

Cleanse your crystals by following the below simple process:
Setting your crystal under running water/dip in lukewarm water.
Exposing your crystal to sun for 10 minutes max.
Exposing your crystal to moonlight for several hours.
Passing your crystal through incense, especially sage smoke.
Using sound, like chanting or singing bowls.

Now after cleansing, manifest positive thoughts to your stone/ crystal and state purpose of usage with positive & meaningful affirmations – as if you have already received benefits of the same. Now you are good to place/keep/wear your stone & crystals.
Repeat cleansing & manifestation every full moon.

Important Info:
1. These are naturally extracted healing stones & crystals, duly energized by ‘Crystal Healer’, which may have natural small holes, crack marks on the surface or inside the stones.
2. These natural crystals have been used for thousands of years for physical adornment, healing and protection, reiki, fengshui, gift, meditation, progress, wellness, spiritual awakening, psychic awareness, chakra balancing, peace of mind, power, protection, fashion jewelry, crystal therapy etc.